by Lisa Rathje | Sep 3, 2024
The sheepherder watched his flock by day, traveling many miles while the sheep grazed on the range. As his flock pastured, he sat on a rock or on his coat; he whittled some object or composed songs of poetry until it was time to move the flock to water or better...
by Lisa Rathje | Aug 31, 2024
Migration and its disruptions define our experiences of home—and probably yours, too. It shapes a great deal of our personal and professional attentions. We were both born in D.C., extensions of the circuitous migrations of our respective families. We grew up...
by Lisa Rathje | Aug 30, 2024
On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing the forced removal and imprisonment of all Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. Maya Castronovo’s documentary short, Flood of Memory, explores the role of memory and...
by Lisa Rathje | Sep 16, 2023
Thinking Geographically with Museum Collections is a lesson activity by Michelle Kelly that encourages students to think about migration and its effects on individuals, communities, and places while also reflecting on their family stories of migration. Using primary...
by Lisa Rathje | Sep 14, 2022
Not long before Covid-19 reached the Southwestern United States, I listened to a podcast interview with the Nigerian writer and spiritualist Bayo Akomolafe in which he spoke of grieving as ceremony, “…when we grieve, it’s not instrumental to anything but, it’s...
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