JFE follows best practices on ethical matters, errors, and retractions. The prevention of publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the Editorial Board. Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable, and the Editorial Board of this journal does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Authors submitting articles to the Journal of Folklore and Education affirm that manuscript contents are original.
JFE follows the American Folklore Society Code of Ethics. Additionally, we adhere to the following best practices:
Editorial Independence and Fair Review: Editors evaluate submitted manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit (significance to the field, originality, study’s validity, clarity) and their relevance to the journal’s scope, without regard to the authors’ race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), ability, marital status, sexual orientation, institutional affiliation, or military status. As a publication of Local Learning, JFE is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for diverse authors and readers.
Intellectual Property: Editors, Guest Editors, the Editorial Board, and JFE Authors agree that all ideas, creations, works of authorship, and other contributions conceived or made under this agreement shall be governed under the terms of the JFE Consent to Publish (https://jfepublications.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/JFE-Author-Consent.pdf).
Access to Journal Content: The publisher is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research and ensures accessibility by partnering with organizations and maintaining our own digital archive at https://JFEpublications.org. This journal is an open-access journal.
Review Process: Every article submitted to the Journal of Folklore and Education will be subject to the following review process. Our internal review is completed by the Editors and at least one member of the national Editorial Board. A submission will be rejected or recommended for external peer review.
Those recommended for external review will be subject to double-blind review with limited exceptions where the content of the article relies upon knowing the author(s) or the author’s affiliation(s).
Authors who have submissions that are “recommended” or “recommended with revision” through peer review will receive an invitation to apply to the Local Learning Writers Fund on a rolling basis until the funds for that year are depleted. We can typically fund 14 writers through this fund on an annual basis. Only writers who have articles that have gone through peer review may apply. Learn more about the Local Learning Writers Fund.
External reviewers for the Journal of Folklore and Education receive the following information to inform their review:
Your comments will help us ensure that we are publishing the right content for this journal, and they will contribute to making both the submission and the journal better. We have developed the following checklist to guide your review. If you wish to include additional editorial comments or suggested revisions, please use “track changes” on the attached document.
Should this submission be accepted for publication with:
__________ Minimal revision
__________ Significant revision (include comments on document and below)
__________ Do not accept for publication
Please indicate which goal this submission meets:
_________Taps the deep cultural significance of folk and traditional arts through an interdisciplinary lens relevant to educators.
_________Provides best practices for educators for learning and engagement that connects meaningfully with confluence of education with culture and folk arts, and also connects to our theme of … [changes annually].
_________ Offers research-based writing that evaluates or assesses programs that make use of Folklore in Education tools and practice.
Please share any suggestions you might have to make this a stronger submission for the Journal of Folklore and Education:
Final Thoughts: Our audience is broad. It includes K-16 educators, those working in museums, pre-service teachers, and community-based educators. We want articles to be accessible, but at the same time we want them to appeal to people looking for innovative ways to engage in various educational settings. At its heart, this publication will provide materials that people will be able to adapt within their own practice while supporting our mission of including folklore in educational praxis. We particularly welcome submissions inclusive of perspectives and voices from represented communities. Does this submission support our efforts to include folklore in education practices?