Places, Words, Stories

  Migration and its disruptions define our experiences of home—and probably yours, too. It shapes a great deal of our personal and professional attentions. We were both born in D.C., extensions of the circuitous migrations of our respective families. We grew up...

I didn’t write this for you!

Excerpt from Eddie Vega’s poem, “I didn’t write this poem for you,” (2019, 76), illustrated by Lisa Rathje.   In 2023, the Pew Research Center published information about how Latinas/os/es in the United States view Spanish language in their lives.1 The study...

All About Us

Note About This Unit: Our other units are particularly geared toward middle and high school courses. This unit reminds us that younger grade levels can also discover, interpret, and represent new learning through primary sources. Starting with themselves, students...

Thinking Geographically with Museum Collections

Thinking Geographically with Museum Collections is a lesson activity by Michelle Kelly that encourages students to think about migration and its effects on individuals, communities, and places while also reflecting on their family stories of migration. Using primary...

Gateways to Folklife and Oral History Sources

Vermont Folklife, much like museums, libraries, and historical societies, often serves as a bridge between schools and other learning spaces that want to bring community members and their life experiences into their classrooms. We have learned over time that these...